Judy Baar Topinka’s Legacy of Public Service an Inspiration for Civic Learning in Illinois

by Shawn P. Healy, PhD, Democracy Program Director

On Monday, Illinois Civics Teacher Mentors convened in Champaign for the third and final collaboratory in preparation for a summer of intensive, two-day regional trainings that they will co-facilitate with Lead Mentor Mary Ellen Daneels.

The three-day collaboratory centers on the high school civics course requirement, K-12 social studies standards, and related curriculum design. Content focuses on the judicial branch, redistricting, and the 2020 Census, with pedagogical emphasis on creating lesson plans encompassing informed action and how to assess it authentically.

Mentors were also treated to a visit by Joseph Baar Topinka, author of a new book titled Just Judy that honors his late mother’s life devoted to public service. His mom served as State Representative, Senator, and Treasurer, and as the only female gubernatorial nominee of the Republican Party. Her 2006 bid for Governor ultimately fell short, but her second act as State Comptroller commenced four years later.

Topinka died suddenly after reelection in 2014, and her faithful son seeks to carry forth her legacy of love of state, ethnic pride, civility, and compromise. Just Judy plays on each of these themes and puts forth a blueprint for restoring Illinoisans’ faith in state government.

The brisk 96-page book is biographical of both Topinka and the Land of Lincoln she loved. It is appropriate for students grades 6-12, with compelling illustrations throughout and key concepts, further resources, and lesson plan ideas listed at the end of each chapter. It aligns well with middle and high school civics standards and also meets the state’s women’s history mandate, as Topinka was very much a pioneer in the pre-me too era.

Her son, in his presentation to teacher mentors, reflected on his middle school years as formative to his own civic development. Most of his lessons emanated from his mom’s political career, and civility topped all of them. Topinka treated allies and enemies alike with great respect. Senator Phil Rock (D-Oak Park) was always “Mr. President,” and while she was no fan of Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), she learned to work across the aisle with him on issues of common concern.

It is therefore fitting that Just Judy be on the recommended reading list of the Illinois #CivicsIsBack Campaign. Thanks to her son’s contributions, her legacy will live on in civics classrooms throughout the Prairie State. Please add Just Judy to your summer reading lists and class syllabi this fall.


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