Improving School Climate to Support Student Success

by Sonia Mathew, Civic Learning Manager The Learning Policy Institute recently published a research brief in September 2018, titled “ Educating the Whole Child: Improving School Climate to Support Student Success ,” by Linda Darling-Hammond and Channa M. Cook-Harvey. As a key element of Democracy Schools is “ school climate ,” I was excited to read more about their findings and connect their ideas to strengthening civic learning in schools. The research brief examines, “how schools can use effective, research-based practices to create settings in which students’ healthy growth and development are central to the design of classrooms and the school as a whole.” The report explores findings related to the science of learning and development, school practices that should come from this science, and policy strategies that can support this work on a wider scale. Related to the science of learning and development, a key finding from the report that connects to our work in civic learn...