Teaching the 2016 Election: Youth Participation in Elections, Part I
by Shawn Healy, PhD, Civic Learning Scholar Over the past two months, we’ve tried to set the table for teaching the 2016 Election, beginning with the high-profile presidential contest. We kicked off with the party conventions , discussed the third party alternatives , and delved into the vice presidential selection process . Then, we parsed polling data , analyzed media coverage of the election process, shined a spotlight on money in politics , and untangled the Electoral College . We then worked our way down the ballot, beginning with the fierce battle for party control of the U.S. Senate and a more politically insulated House of Representatives . Specific to Illinois, we did a post mortem on the failed effort to reform legislative redistricting , featured the special election for Comptroller , and weighed the prospect of ending the Springfield Stalemate through General Assembly races. On Monday, and throughout the series, we have provided educators with tools to teach the content ...